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Pick up your order from the warehouse closest to you or directly from the Wandfluh factory.

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Export of Wandfluh products to the countries of the Customs Union with a 0% VAT, as well as to other countries worldwide.

All Wandfluh products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant Wandfluh: proportional valves, switching valves, 2-way cartridge valves, electromagnetic coils, connectors with voltage reduction function, digital amplifiers, digital modules, electronic module displays, hydro stations, accessories
  • Proportional valves Wandfluh
    Proportional valves
    BDPPM18, BVIPM22, etc.
  • Switching valves Wandfluh
    Switching valves
    B_2204, WD_FA04, etc.
  • 2-way cartridge valves Wandfluh
    2-way cartridge valves
    D16_2, D25_2, etc.
  • Electromagnetic coils Wandfluh
    Electromagnetic coils
    MKY45_18x60 , etc.
  • Connectors with a voltage reduction function Wandfluh
    Connectors with a voltage reduction function
    P03A-1, P04A-1D2, etc.
  • Digital amplifiers Wandfluh
    Digital amplifiers
    PD2301D80-A and others.
  • Digital modules Wandfluh
    Digital modules
    SD7, SD73_2, etc.
  • Electronic module displays Wandfluh
    Electronic module displays
    CL-609, CL-709, etc.
  • Hydroelectric power stations Wandfluh
    Hydroelectric power stations
    BM-Compact4, etc.
  • Accessories Wandfluh
    SISIN29V, PI29V, HB, etc.


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